Educational Consulting - The British Are Coming

Over the month of April, a small group of UK Colleges have been traveling through Texas, gracing counselors with luncheons and evening receptions, as well as being present at National College Fairs to invite Texas High School Students to consider an UK Undergraduate degree. 

Thank you to the British Council for arranging this Texas tour. 

Take a look:

York University, Manchester Metropolitan, Bath Spa, Royal Agricultural University, University East London, Plymouth University, Bournemouth University,  Southampton University, Keele University, University of Bolton, University of West London, University of Manchester, DeMontford University, Northumbria University, University of Roehampton.

Remember, when applying to these schools or other UK Universities, each school's faculty of a particular department or major, will be the ones to review your application - not the admissions office. You must know what you want to major in and how best to express your focused interests in the personal statement. 

Questions on UK Universities, ask me - Patricia Nehme -